Genealogy Forum 2025

Have you ever wondered who you might be related to or how your family came to the United States or, more specifically, to Pennsylvania or Ligonier? The Ligonier Valley Library's Genealogy Forum will help you develop the tricks and tools needed to trace your family lineage, start your own family bible, or just learn more about family history in general. Each forum meeting focuses on some aspect of family research and occasionally features a guest speaker. Programs are led by or organized by the library's Pennsylvania Room Archivist.
2025 Forum Meetings:
- January 28 - Networking Night
- March 25 - tba
- May 27 - tba
- October 28 - tba
The group meets on the 4th Tuesday of January, March, May, September, and October from 6:00-7:00 PM. Genealogy Forum meetings are free and open to the public. For more information, call the library at 724-238-6451 or email